
Mask Detector

published 2021-08-04


This was a project I submitted for both my AP Computer Science A class and my AP Language and Composition classes my senior year of High School.

How does one submit a single programming project as a final for two classes, one of which is an English class? Finesse and opportunism.

This project is a super low-effort mask detector written using C++/OpenCV. It basically checks if it can see a mouth within any faces that it sees, and if it doesn't it concludes there is mask present.

You can download this project here.

Technologies Used

This project was written in C++, built using CMake, and used the OpenCV library.

What I Learned

This was my first multi-file C++ project, so I learned a decent amount about how to break C++ projects out into encapsulated pieces of functionality and also about how to link all those together using CMake.

In order to get it all to compile correctly I also couldn't rely on super simple CMakeLists.txt files, so I also had to learn a bit about how to write those for this project.

I was already reasonably familiar with both C++ programming and OpenCV, so I didn't really learn much more about those.

All in all, I'd say I learned a decent amount this project, and it was definitely fun messing around with OpenCV more.